Building owner’s packages

Building owner’s packages for supply lines
More and more utility companies are shifting responsibility for the professional sealing between the building entry and the structure to the owner or developer. However, the selection of products in compliance with the various sets of rules is often difficult.
That is why DOYMA has worked with many utility companies to develop a standard that greatly simplifies the sometimes difficult selection of products and covers most applications.
With our specially tailored builder packages you are always on the right side, save valuable time and can concentrate on your actual work.
Now bet on plus 4 times:
- Proven radon safe.
- Trades preassembled.
- 25 year guarantee.
- Trades cannot be lost.

DOYMA sealing systems therefore offer reliable and effective protection against radon and prevent pressurized water from entering the building.

Building owner's package multi compartment for buildings with basement
- Multi-line house entry sealing on both sides through the basement wall for the gas, water, electricity and telecommunications trades

Buildinh owner's package single compartment for buildings with basement
- Double-sided, single-line house entry through the basement wall for a gas, water, electricity and telecommunications trades

Building owner's package for buildings w/o basement
- Single compartment house lead-in as a round version through the base plate for a gas, water, electricity or telecommunications trade

Building owner's package multi compartment for buildings w/o basement
- Multi compartment house lead-in as a row version through the base plate for four trades gas, water, electricity and telecommunications

25 years guarantee
We are the first company in the implementation technology market to offer you a guarantee that goes far beyond the legal regulations. That is why we can offer this exceptional 25-year guarantee on all building owner packages for supply lines.