Quadro-Secura® single-compartment building owner’s package for buildings with basements

  • Single-compartment house lead-in with sealing on both sides.
  • Additional seal flange on the outside wall in accordance with DIN 18533 for sealing tanking membranes (black tank).
  • Also suitable for waterproof concrete core bores and twin/element walls.
  • For the following building services: water, electricity and telecommunications.
  • Completely equipped with the required accessories.
  • Single-compartment house lead-in with sealing on both sides.
  • Additional seal flange on the outside wall in accordance with DIN 18533 for sealing tanking membranes (black tank).
  • Also suitable for waterproof concrete core bores and twin/element walls.
  • For the following building services: water, electricity and telecommunications.
  • Completely equipped with the required accessories.
  • alle Gewerke mit gas- und druckwasserdichten Blindstopfen vorbelegt
  • DVGW-zugelassene Produkte nach VP 601 (B1)
  • Geprüfte Gas- und Druckwasserdichtigkeit gem. DIN 18322
  • platzsparende Installation der Haus- / Netzanschlüsse und dazugehöriger Anschlusseinrichtungen
  • späteres Auswechseln der Medienleitungen möglich (Relining)**
  • Versorgungsleitungen können unabhängig vom Baufortschritt eingeführt werden**
  • Universalabdichtung für alle gängigen Medienleitungen
  • kostengünstig durch ein Futterrohr / Kernbohrung DN 100; Verlegung in einem Graben
  • Optional: Abdichtung nach DIN 18195 / 18533 möglich


1x Quadro-Secura® E1/breit
Including pre-assembled building service seal for gas

1x Double sleeves (2707)
for connecting and extending cable protection pipes (2775). Not suitable for rigid jacket pipes.

1x Gas ring plugs
For preventing ingress of sand. Gas-permeable.

1x Schuck extension set
For the gas house lead-in (RMA already pre-assembled).

VARIANT 2: Water, electricity, telecom

1x Quadro-Secura® E1/breit
Including pre-assembled building service seal for water, electricity, telecom

1x Double sleeves (2707)
For connecting and extending cable protection pipes (2775). Not suitable for rigid jacket pipes.

1x Jacket pipe end plugs (2704)
For sealing the jacket pipes and lines.

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